flight delays

Tag Archives for flight delays.

Always call customer service when you think you’ll miss your flight (and what to do in case smoke fills your plane)

a red fire extinguisher with a white label

Fun times. I had just boarded my flight and gotten comfortable in my aisle seat, perusing Facebook while keeping an eye out for anyone who needed to get into my row. First one, then another gentleman sat down next to me, and boarding was going surprisingly fast. Until a horrible smell filled the air, followed…

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How to fix an airplane?

a person sitting on an airplane

What is the deal with minor maintenance issues taking forever to deal with lately? In the last two weeks the Home Warrior and I have been on two flights that were delayed significantly because of a simple fix. And I’m not talking, like, cracks in the fuselage. I’m talking about teeny-tiny stuff. For example, the…

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Icelandic Volcano Ash Shuts Down Heathrow

a cloud of smoke from a volcano

From The Washington Post: A plume of volcanic ash from Iceland hovering over Northern Europe severely disrupted air travel for hundreds of thousands of airline passengers Thursday as authorities cancelled flights across the region. The ash cloud, which has drifted from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland, forced officials to shut down airspace in Britain, Ireland,…

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