Packing your purse or briefcase for a long flight

A number of things could induce anxiety about a work trip to a far-flung locale. Will I fit into the different culture? What is the 5-28-14-1etiquette? Will I wear the right clothes? And how will I survive that 25 hours of travel time??

For some reason, the most stressful of these to me is the travel time. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ll be stuck in a metal tube hurtling through space, and if it is awful there’s not much I can do. The only thing that makes me feel better is to prepare as thoroughly as possible. This doesn’t mean bring everything under the sun—I’ve done that, and it actually can make things worse. But planning for the possible scenarios and bringing the specific items to help you get through—that’s smart. What you bring in your suitcase varies by location and work situation, but what goes in your personal item is fairly consistent no matter where you’re going. Here is what I pack when traveling on extra-long flights.

This all fits perfectly into my Lo and Sons OG, and I have enough room to add a bottle of water once I arrive at the airport. The most important items relate to entertainment, comfort, and sleep. In the next week or so I’ll post what to wear to be the most comfortable.

Readers, what do you take in your bag for long flights?

Have a travel question or suggestion? Send it to RoadWarriorette @

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  1. I also take toothpaste, contact solution and case, sugarfree gum and usually a snack like a granola bar just in case.

  2. also personal travel wipes! in addition to packing, I also find it helpful to have some sort of schedule, especially on long (overseas) flights. on trips to Asia for example (DC-Seoul, DC-Tokyo) I tell myself that I’ll do “fun” stuff until the first meal, then after the first meal I’ll do “work” (reading, prepping for meetings) and then nap. I also like to freshen up so I have my toiletries with me.

  3. I LOVE those cucumber wipes you have pictured. I use them to “freshen up” any situation. It makes the space around you smell so much better.

  4. Also, a comb and a wallet (containing money, alternate id, credit card, one blank check)and a tiny “purse”. Pen /paper, and a flashlight.

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