As I packed for my most recent trip, the Home Warrior walked by my suitcase and picked up my liquids bag. “What’s this?” heasked. I can see the confusion! Right now, I’ve pared my liquids bag so far down that it looks like a collection of a few random items in a Ziploc bag. When I explained it was all the liquids I needed for my three day trip, he was very impressed. Of course I love impressing my husband, but we have to remember this is the guy that took a fan to Puerto Rico. Light packer he is not. That being said, it surprises even me that I truly need so little.
The contents:
- Shampoo and conditioner (original travel-sized containers)
- Body wash (regular body wash decanted into a travel-sized container)
- Lotion (original travel-sized container)
- Face wash (inside contact lens case)
- Eye cream (inside contact lens case)
- Moisturizer (inside contact lens case)
- Makeup primer (inside contact lens case)
I keep my razor, stick deodorant, toothpaste, and contact solution in my non-liquids bag. Makeup does not need to be in the liquids bag (per the TSA blog).
And that’s it! I know it looks small, but I don’t need anything else on a daily basis.
Readers, what’s in your liquids bag these days?
Have a travel question or suggestion? Send it to RoadWarriorette @
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Toothpaste in non-liquid bag? I have had a brand new full-sized toothpaste confiscated as an over-size liquid. TSA can be so inconsistent!