I was recently asked what my most important travel items are. What are the things that I never leave home without? I guess I talk about this in various ways all the time, but I’ve never thought about it in quite those terms. So, here is a list of my favorite things for travel.
- Pashmina. The most versatile clothing item there is!! Blanket, pillow, scarf, sarong, bathing suit cover up.
…The last time I talked about pashminas one reader also suggested using it as a nursing cover. I would never have thought of that! They are available in a multitude of patterns in all price points.
- iPhone. If I didn’t have music on the plane, I don’t know what I would do. Plus it’s super handy for that whole phone/email thing. And I love my other apps too! TripIt, White Noise, Facebook, Echofon, YogaNow are all apps I use on a regular basis while traveling.
- Kindle. Gotta have my Kindle! Carry 1500 books with me at once. Buy a new book with the touch of a button. Love.
- Hair and face products. Keeps me looking and feeling great no matter where I am. Helps repair damage done from flying, and keeps my routine consistent.
- Travel yoga mat. Doing yoga on the road keeps me sane. Plus, if I have time or am on vacation, I love to try out local studios.
- Knitting. Just because I love to do it.
This is my off the top of my head list. I may have forgotten an item or two, but these are definitely items I can’t live without.
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