Eating Healthy While On the Road

a plate of food with a lemon and guacamoleEating healthy while traveling all the time is something that many road warriors struggle with. The long hours, few choices, and temptations can leave even the best-intentioned eating badly. We can all use a little help!!  Here are a few strategies you can use to make it easier to make good choices. (Pictured: Grilled Salmon With Avocado Dip, posted to All Recipes by Diane)

  • Eat before you go. Don’t get on a plane or leave for the office without eating. It’s too tempting to grab a donut or sugary cereal if your stomach is growling.
  • Plan ahead. Look at your schedule, and try to figure out ahead of time when you can eat. Make sure not to have too much time between meals, because if you don’t eat your blood sugar will drop, you may feel cranky or tired, and your productivity my suffer.
  • Determine ahead of time where you will eat. This isn’t always possible, but if you are familiar with the area you are traveling to you can check out the menu of your chosen restaurant online. This helps me a lot–if I already have planned what to get, I am less likely to eat unhealthy foods.
  • Bring snacks. Almonds, a granola bar, fruit–anything that is easy to pack and can go through security will feed your hunger in a pinch. Here is a longer list of snacks that are travel-friendly.
  • Drink water.  We all know this, but so often when you think you are hungry you are really just thirsty. Stay hydrated and you will feel better on so many levels.

My way of healthy eating tends towards low-carb, so I love this page from the Atkins website. Regardless of which foods make you feel healthy and productive, these tips can keep you on the right track. Is it difficult to eat well on the road? Sometimes, but it’s never impossible.



  1. These days with a variety of protein bars, trail mixes, and dried fruit, keep 1 or 2 on hand to have in case you get caught hungry and w/o a way to eat a healthy planned meal

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