Quick Packing Tip: Pack Your Shoes in Plastic Grocery Bags

a string bag next to bananasNormally, I HATE plastic grocery bags. I would rather awkwardly carry a bag of dog food, two gallons of milk, and a handful of cans, and struggle out to my car than use plastic bags. I have been known to drop packages of butter in my purse. But there are a couple of instances when plastic grocery bags are very helpful, and (while not as fun as this produce bag crocheted out of plastic sacks) one instance is packing related.

Walking around on dirt and sidewalks, then packing your shoes next to your pristine clothing is not the most sanitary idea. If you are concerned about the soles of your shoes touching your clean (and beautiful!) clothes, pack each one separately in a plastic grocery bag. This won’t take up any more room than the shoe by itself, and will keep your outfits spotless. Another option, if you truly don’t have any grocery bags, is to use cloth produce bags. More expensive, but even more environmentally friendly.

Finally, something useful to do with those grocery bags that are sitting around, waiting for me to take them to be recycled.  Keeping your business attire dirt-free and using up those plastic bags? Win-win. But please, make sure that when you have worn holes in the bag, you recycle it rather than just throwing it away.

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