How to handle disasters when you’re on a business trip

a map of the weatherY’all. It’s been a hard week here in Texas. My heart has broken over and over and scenes and stories of the devastation that Hurricane Harvey has caused along the coast. Huge swathes of my beloved state destroyed or under water. Lives lost. Thousands displaced. And it’s not over yet. 

Here are a few suggestions if you’re looking for ways to help for the long recovery ahead:

UMCOR. 100% of donations go to disaster relief.

Texas Diaper Bank. There is a huge need for diapers right now.

Team Rubicon USA. Assisting with search and rescue.

Red Cross. Always there with boots on the ground.

Houston ISD. Already assisting impacted students and families, and that need will continue to grow.

Unfortunately disasters happen all the time, as business travelers well know. Here are a few ways to handle disasters when you’re on a business trip.

Contact the airline. If it looks like a huge storm or other disaster will impact your travel plans call your airline immediately. (See this post for more things to do when your flight is delayed.)

Call your corporate travel department. If your airline is unable to help your corporate travel group may be able to re-route you home. It’s also good to keep in touch with them so they know you are safe, especially if you’re in or near the affected areas.

Keep your phone charged. This seems like a no-brainer, but I have been surprised by how often people have told me they’ve been in the middle of a rainstorm/snowstorm/other natural disaster and forgotten to charge their phone before leaving. Another good reason to invest in a portable charger!

Don’t check your bag. Getting on alternative flights or renting a car would be much simpler without a checked bag. If you do check your bag make sure to keep your medications, keys, and critical personal items in your carry-on.

Keep emergency supplies. It’s a good idea to keep a flashlight on you at all times. If you are on a day trip have a small pouch with emergency toiletries, your glasses (if you wear contacts), and a change of underwear–just in case you get stranded overnight. Also, keep snacks in your carry-on just in case–those could come in handy disaster or not!

Keep an eye on the news. Keep abreast of the latest developments. This is incredibly important if you are in or near the affected areas. (See this post for severe weather safety recommendations.)

All of my prayers and love to the coast. If you’re able to donate, please do so. Stay safe, y’all.

Readers, any other suggestions for how to handle disasters when you’re on a business trip?


Be sure to check out my page with products I recommend for travel!


Have a travel question or suggestion? Send it to RW

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  1. Another place for donations is the Houston School District. They are providing support now for families, and will definitely need help when students try to return to school without changes of clothes and school supplies. You can provide support at

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