Prime Day starts today! There are already some fantastic deals, with more to come. Here is what I’ve seen and what I’m keeping my eye on. Note: Most of these deals are for a limited time only and are available only for Prime members. You can try Prime free for 30 days if you’re not…
First business trip
Hotel Pet Peeves

During business trips your hotel becomes your home away from home, and it can play a pretty big role in whether or not your business trip feels successful or not. If you have a bad night’s sleep or something malfunctions it’s can be much harder to concentrate on your actual work. Some things, like an…
How to plan for no in flight entertainment device

A few weeks ago I was flying to California and overheard a conversation between a passenger and a flight attendant. “Apparently people prefer to watch movies on their phones instead of the IFEs, so they’re taking them out of most of the planes.” Color me surprised. I actually prefer the IFEs, or in flight entertainment…
What is the best travel pillow?

A friend of mine is going on a trip to Europe soon, and is worried about sleeping comfortably on the plane. Those of us who travel internationally in coach on a regular basis know that while “comfortably” may be a stretch, there are definitely ways to make sleeping upright a little better. One of his…
Wait for your luggage at airport security
What is one thing you use on every business trip?

During a recent work trip with some colleagues we started debating what the most important item to take on a business trip. We ruled out obvious things like computers, phones, and suitcases, then made the requirements: It has to be something you use on every trip and something that any business traveler could use (rather…
Choosing a hotel for business travel
How do you choose your hotel for business travel? Reader D asks…. Hi RW! I am traveling for my job several times in the next few months. Whenever I look at all of the hotel options I get overwhelmed. How do you choose which hotel to stay in? Great question! The right hotel can really…
Dealing With Brain Fatigue During Business Travel
Always call customer service when you think you’ll miss your flight (and what to do in case smoke fills your plane)

Fun times. I had just boarded my flight and gotten comfortable in my aisle seat, perusing Facebook while keeping an eye out for anyone who needed to get into my row. First one, then another gentleman sat down next to me, and boarding was going surprisingly fast. Until a horrible smell filled the air, followed…