Travel Issues

Apparently business travelers are really just fraudsters. Awesome.

Yesterday, CNN had an article about business travelers and expense reports that got me pretty riled up. The point was that people are getting creative about how to cheat the system, even going as far as buying fake receipts online and then filling them out to be reimbursed. “Those items can include everything from an…

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Quick Travel Tip: Make Sure Your Suitcase Works

In the last month, I have been inundated with stories about faulty suitcases. And these poor people have all been finding out about their baggage issues not at home, or in the car…..but in the airport or on the airplane where it’s just too late. The two most recent examples: A friend’s daughter was coming…

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Quick Packing Tip: Put Your Meds In Your Carryon

Yesterday while flying home from Nashville I sat next to a very interesting man, who works in baggage at an airline. He said that when multiple flights are delayed due to weather or something else, it’s really surprising how many people start asking for their medications. And when multiple flights are delayed for hours, it…

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