Answering Readers’ Questions: Bringing wipes through airport security

A few weeks ago I posted about bringing tissues and sanitizing wipes on every trip moving forward. One of the comments was a question, asking if TSA allowed wipes through. The reader thought since they are technically wet, they may not be allowed.a close-up of a blue and white background

I have flown with face wipes many times, never taken them out of my suitcase at airport security, and never had a problem, so I assumed they were allowed. But of course, I also never take out my liquids bag, and I know I’m supposed to do that! So I went to the TSA site to see what I could find. I ended up using the “When I fly, can I bring my….?” tool. I wasn’t expecting much, because the last time I used the tool it was terrible. However, this time when I typed in “wipes” it asked me to choose which kind (baby, antibacterial, etc) and said they were allowed in both checked and carryon luggage.

So that’s good news! In fact it’s two pieces of good news. Yes, wipes are allowed, and the TSA “Can I bring my….?” tool works at least some of the time. Hooray!



  1. My wife got pulled aside a year or so ago and she had some Alchohol based hand wipes that se off the bomb detection but once they found them she was waved right through.

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