Green Travel Tip: Don’t Take a Plastic Bag

In honor of Earth Day on Thursday, April 22, all of my posts this week are going to focus on some aspect of traveling green. If you know of something I should write about, send me an email!

a grey tote bag with a bear on itOne of the small ways I have changed my life at home is by refusing plastic bags when shopping. I bring my own bags to the grocery store, to buy clothes (and shoes of course!), basically any time I will be bringing something home with me. I remember bags most of the time, but if I don’t? Often I will just drop it in my purse or hold it. Of course, it’s not as easy to hold two cartons of milk and dog food walking out to the car, but it’s also not impossible.

While traveling, I have found it very helpful to bring a bag that doesn’t take up a lot of room in case I need an extra. For example, my sister gave me  a bag for Christmas one year that folds down into a tiny little zipped-up package. And for extra-credit cuteness points, it says, “Spare the Air, Save a Bear” with a bear on it. Love!! My favorite shopping website Delight sells bags called RuMe (short for ReUseME) that fold up into nothing.

Of course, for the really small stuff (a book, bottle of water, small food items) I can drop it in my purse or carry it. It’s an easy thing to do and it makes a difference.

Happy Earth Day, friends!

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