Tips for Working Out on a Business Trip

goggleGetting geared up for a workout is so hard, but darned if I don’t feel fantastic afterward. Life in general is so jam-packed that’s it’s not easy to always fit it in, and on business trips it can be near impossible. I want the endorphins, even when I’m on a week-long, three-city slog. You can do it, but it takes some planning. Here are tips for working out on a business trip.

Pack your gear. I know it seems elementary, but stick with me here. Have you heard the saying, “the hardest part of going to the gym is putting on your shoes”? In other words: once you make the decision to work out the chances of you actually doing it are way better. So it makes sense that if you don’t bring the stuff you need to work out, it definitely won’t happen.

Choose your activity wisely. Some activities require more gear than is practical for a trip, like basketball or weightlifting. There are plenty of ways to work out that are easily portable. Some examples:

Or adjust your activity. If you are training for a bike race or are traveling on leg day, there are definitely ways to work that into your trip. Choose a hotel that has a quality exercise room. Find a nearby gym. Hotels will sometimes be able to facilitate a bike rental or recommend a route. Some companies will pay for a gym day pass or class pass. I was able to train for a triathlon while traveling three weeks a month a few years back. It’s possible, but takes plenty of planning.

Plan it into the schedule. When I’m traveling anything that is not slotted into my calendar doesn’t happen. I’m too busy and my brain just can’t remember it all anymore! Whether it’s dinner, a phone call, answering emails, or a workout, everything gets an Outlook planner. If you need more tips for finding time to work out on a business trip check out this post I wrote a few years ago.

Squeeze it in. If you’re trying to be more active in general, but don’t necessarily have enough time for a full on workout, fit in small bursts of activity when you can. Take the stairs, park farther away, don’t use moving walkways are all suggestions from readers. For more tips on squeezing extra activity into business trips check out this post.

Readers, what are your favorite workouts to do during a business trip?


Be sure to check out my page with products I recommend for travel!


Have a travel question or suggestion? Send it to RW

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  1. Getting an ‘invalid certificate’ message when I come here.

    My trick for working out on the road was to find a hotel where there was a decent place to jog in the early evening. I found hotels in NYC close to Central Park, which was ideal, as long as you could outrun the drug dealers. I found a hotel in Richmond, VA, where you had to risk your life running on a road with no sidewalk and drivers that were not excepting pedestrians.

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