Traveling to rainy destinations

a black and white rain bootMuch of the country is experiencing rain right now, including Texas. I love the rain–sitting inside with a cup of tea and a good book while storms rage outside is one of my  favorite things.

Alas, sometimes one must go to work, and that doesn’t change even if torrential rains are coming down. And on a business trip things are already complicated enough! Luckily there are some ways to prep for traveling to rainy destinations that allow you to arrive at work unruffled and looking professional.

Here are some tips for traveling to rainy destinations:

  • Keep an umbrella in your suitcase or purse at all times. Just because rain isn’t forecast when you’re packing doesn’t mean it won’t arrive when you get there! Having at least an umbrella will help dramatically.
  • Take a packable raincoat. If the chances of rain are high at your destination take a good, packable raincoat. If you’re traveling a lot during the rainy season then keep it in your suitcase with your umbrella. Try to find one with a hood, which will keep your hair and skin more protected. I love my Scottevest trench coat, but I do wish it had a hood.
  • Boots are best. When you’re splashing through flooded parking lots ballet flats don’t cut it! Rain boots are great (and affordable), and you can pack your regular shoes to change into when you arrive. I will often just wear my regular non-rain boots (that have been waterproofed) if it’s more drizzle than flood.
  • Wear a dress or skirt. If your legs or tights get splattered they will dry faster than slacks and keep you looking your professional best. During cold rain a dress, heavy tights, and boots are your best bet for staying dry and warm.

Bonus tip: Choose a simple hairstyle, preferably an updo. My curly hair will approximately double in volume in the rain, and not in a good way. If it’s raining I usually opt for a top knot or low ponytail.

Readers, do you have any tips for traveling to rainy destinations?


Be sure to check out my page with products I recommend for travel!

a flat lay of hair accessories

Have a travel question or suggestion? Send it to RW

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