Travel bag of the week: Mobile Edge Sumo 13-inch Laptop Purse

a red bag with a white logo

Each week Road Warriorette features a travel bag that hits all of the high notes for ladies on the road: pockets, construction, and (of course!) style. Hooray for red! The first thing that caught my eye about the Mobile Edge Sumo 13-inch Laptop Purse (after the eye-catching color, of course)  was the adorable quilted front. The interior…

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From the Road Warriorette homefront….

a book cover of two babies

Change is in the wind here at Road Warriorette HQ. What kind of change, you ask? Well, the exciting but unexpected kind. The oh-my-goodness-how-did-we-get-into-this-but-isn’t-it-awesome kind. The double trouble kind. That’s right. We are expecting twins. As in, two babies at once, taking our family from three to five. The blessed event is happening this summer.…

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Travel etiquette tip: PLEASE don’t spray perfume on planes!

a purple bottle with a gold lid

I have had some interesting trips lately, with everything from insane weather delays to rude teenagers. But this next lady takes the cake for shockingly bad behavior. I was flying from DFW to La Guardia, not a short flight, and wasn’t lucky enough to have a Main Cabin Extra seat. After the movie ended I…

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