Power on the road

a cell phone with battery charging

There’s not much more frustrating than trying to use an electronic and realizing there’s no power.  Whatever the reason—a dead battery, lack of plugs, or not having a plug converter in a foreign country—it’s something business travelers have to deal with regularly. To avoid the headache, here are some ideas to give your electronics the…

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Don’t forget shopping portals for Valentine’s

a blue suitcase with a heart on it

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner I wanted to remind readers to not forget about shopping portals when purchasing for their loved ones.  If you’ve never used a shopping portal before now is a great time to start with all of the Valentine’s promotions going on.   Shopping portals are one of the easiest ways…

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Poll: Does it annoy you when people bring strong smelling food on flights?

This past summer I was flying home from Boston, sitting on the aisle and working intently when I noticed something that smelled….off. I glanced at the seats around me and found the culprit a few rows back across the aisle: someone’s lunch. To this day I have no idea what that person was eating that…

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Road Warriorette Weekend Express

Hey readers! Got a question or something you want to discuss this weekend?  Here’s the perfect opportunity!  Whether you want to share an interesting travel story, a packing tip, an etiquette tip, or anything else going on in the business travel world, comment here and we’ll have a discussion. Travel tip of the week: Decant your…

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Road Warriorette Weekend Express

Hey readers! Got a question or something you want to discuss this weekend?  Here’s the perfect opportunity!  Whether you want to share an interesting travel story, a packing tip, an etiquette tip, or anything else going on in the business travel world, comment here and we’ll have a discussion. Travel tip of the week: Pack efficiently.…

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