One of the unfortunate parts of business travel is that you don’t always get to choose when your trips happen. Travel on weekends and holidays are almost inevitable at some point. During the Thanksgiving to New Years holiday block it seems to happen more than ever! Missing parties, concerts, and sometimes actual holidays is super…
Making Travel Better
Road Warrior Gift Guide 2012
Business Travel 101: Flight Comfort (Revisited)

Business Travel 101 is a series from a couple of years ago about making that first business trip as easy and successful as possible. I’ve re-tooled the series, and now it’s more comprehensive than ever! It covers everything a new business traveler needs to know for that initial trip, including essential tips for packing, security,…
That Summer Feeling
Mornings just got better at Hyatt Place!

We’ve all had mornings go horribly wrong, whether you’re at home or on the road. Hyatt Place is doing their part to make mornings just a little bit better by introducing their new a.m. Kitchen Skillet. It’s always been free, and now it’s been upgraded! Enjoy breakfast sandwiches, oatmeal, fresh fruit, waffles, pastries, juice, toast,…
Traveling While Injured
More praise for the WhiteNoise app
Just in case anyone has forgotten how awesome it is, I want to sing praises to the WhiteNoise app again. Here are three recent reasons why I love it. I use it at most hotels I go to, just because there is almost always some background noise that makes it hard to sleep. A cranky…
How to Avoid the Friendly Skies
On Christmas Day, the Home Warrior and I had dinner at my parents’ house. My stepbrother had just gotten into town, and was telling us about his flight. “I always get stuck next to the crazy people who want to talk!” he said. It made me think back on my early flying days when the…
2011 Road Warriorette Gift Guide
Free eBook from Girlfriendology!

It’s so easy to get caught up in the craziness of the holidays. Between parties, visitors, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and traveling, the most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful time of the year. Girlfriendology, the online community celebrating female friendship, has put together a free eBook with tips and tricks…