Travel Issues

Packing Tip: Bring a Mending Kit!!

a blue and white sewing kit

This week, I flew to Miami. On the flight, I noticed an uncomfortable (but obvious only to me) wardrobe malfunction—the underwire to my most important undergarment had broken through the seam and was stabbing me. Now, for those of you who have not experienced this, it is extremely annoying. Especially when you’re trying to pull…

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Are Elites Losing Perks?

There’s a recent article from the New York Times titled “Have Elite Fliers Been Downgraded?” Even before reading the article, just seeing the title had me nodding my head. Yes, absolutely yes, in my experience, the elite experience is being diluted regularly. The article states because there are more Elites, perks previously available only to…

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Airlines Consider Charging for Oversized Carry-on Bags

a suitcase full of items

According to a recent article on MSNBC, major airlines are considering charging for oversized carry-on bags. The idea would be to discourage passengers from bringing bags onto the plane that won’t fit in the overhead bin, with the fee around $25. Alaska Airlines is already doing this. (Pictured: Overpacking, courtesy of the Home Warrior.) The…

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United Ends Early Boarding for Families

a baby car seat with a pink flower pattern

In April, United got rid of pre-boarding for families. Previously, families with small children could board before general boarding. According to CNN, United’s spokesperson said: “We figured it would be better to simplify that process and reduce the number of boarding groups.” Uh, okay. Whatever. That reasoning sounds like, well, an excuse. It seems there…

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