Travel security

Security Refresh

Periodically, I like to check out the TSA blog to see if there are any updated guidelines, and find out what crazy things people have tried to bring through security. This time did not disappoint! While there aren’t any new guidelines, there is a list of the top ten crazy things found at security checkpoints…

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TSA Pie-Laws

a pie with a fork on a green plate

This year for Thanksgiving, my mother’s entire family is going to her house for dinner. This amounts to about thirty people, including my immediate family, plus my grandmother, uncles, aunts, cousins and their kids. Because there are so many people, everyone is bringing something for the meal so no one person is responsible for feeding…

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Mini TSA Vent

Coming Home from Chicago, Part 3 You guys have already heard about (and given your opinions on) people not pushing their bins and bags through security and not waiting for their turn to board. The final thing that irritated me (although sequentially it was actually the first thing) was TSA. I actually haven’t had nearly…

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