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Always call customer service when you think you’ll miss your flight (and what to do in case smoke fills your plane)

a red fire extinguisher with a white label

Fun times. I had just boarded my flight and gotten comfortable in my aisle seat, perusing Facebook while keeping an eye out for anyone who needed to get into my row. First one, then another gentleman sat down next to me, and boarding was going surprisingly fast. Until a horrible smell filled the air, followed…

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Don’t block the airport security line because you’re looking at your phone

a cell phone with a blue sky and stars

In my near-decade of writing about business travel I’ve written about getting through security a lot. It is one of the most anxiety-inducing parts of travel for newbies, but planning ahead and using a few simple strategies can make airport security go as smoothly as possible. TSA Pre-check has helped a ton, allowing frequent travelers…

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