It was recently brought to my attention that I have been using “rollerboard” with regards to my carry-on suitcase, instead of “rollaboard”. Feeling pretty sure I had seen it both ways, I had to stop and think. Why do I use “rollerboard”? Am I using the incorrect word? I realized that when I write it out, in my head I hear the “r”, so “rollerboard” looks more correct to me than “rollaboard”. But “rollaboard” is the action–you “roll aboard” your suitcase. Huh.
So I turned to the best place to find answers in this age of information–the Google. I did indeed find instances of both words being used interchangeably, on Amazon and on eBags. I guess technically both are correct, since both are used by suitcase manufacturers. But I am curious about what you guys think.

I generally find the folks on Flyertalk to be pretty adamant about using “rollaboard.” I defer to them as the experts.
rollaboard = 718,000 results
rollerboard = 11,600 results
I’ve always used RollerBoard – it’s board with wheels to me.
I don’t usually roll it on board, I usually push the handle down and carry it on as it’s always crowded when boarding, and “carryboard” just have the same je ne sais quoi as “rolleboard” 🙂
You are so current — there’s an article in the New York Times today about the history of the rolling suitcase!
Just had this exact thought today when seeing “rollaboard” spelled out on FT. Thanks for writing this up.
“Rolaboard” is correct, “rollerboard” is a corruption based on the fact that it sounds like “rollaboard.” This is simmilar to people calling a piece of furniture a “chester drawers” instead of the correct “chest of drawers.” So many people make the mistake that you’ll see it, but it’s still incorrect.