Beauty Tuesday: BeautyBlender Travel Kit

a bottle of liquid and a pink sponge

Every week Road Warriorette features a product that simplifies travel beauty. Do you have a favorite? Send it to RW @ People seriously love the BeautyBlender. It’s an oddly shaped makeup sponge—looks like a giant pink teardrop. But all of the reviews I’ve read, from mommy boards to magazines to Amazon, rave about it. It helps…

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Interesting crowd-funding ideas for business travel

a man holding a suit and a suit

I’ve always been a fan of crowd-funding.  I think it’s really awesome that people with great ideas can use crowd-funding as a tool to make their idea a reality.  Sure, there’s questionable stuff that is successful through crowd-funding (such as the Potato Salad Kickstarter), but for the most part it seems people are using it…

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10 travel hair products under $20

a blue bottle with a white label

Recently I wrote about 10 business travel products $20 and under.  By request, today I’m going to cover ten quality travel hair products that are under $20. MiniPRO by Conair Tourmaline Ceramic Hair Dryer. This hair dryer is great for travel because of its relatively small footprint, and is great for styling because it comes with…

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Road Warriorette Weekend Express

Hey readers! Got a question or something you want to discuss this weekend?  Here’s the perfect opportunity!  Whether you want to share an interesting travel story, a packing tip, an etiquette tip, or anything else going on in the business travel world, comment here and we’ll have a discussion. Travel tip of the week: Sometimes business…

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Don’t fold your boarding pass on the bar code!

Yesterday was a very dramatic travel day, involving delayed flights, last minute connections, and dramatic sprints through the airport. It all started with an issue I’d never seen before, and wanted to share so you can avoid this in the future! At Newark the security lines were mercifully short. As I got to the Pre-check…

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