Travel bag of the week: Solo Vintage Leather Bucket Tote

a brown leather bag with gold trim

Each week Road Warriorette features a travel bag that hits all of the high notes for ladies on the road: pockets, construction, and (of course!) style. Gorgeous color? Check. Interesting shape? Check. Fun lining? Check. Plenty of space for all you need? Check! This Solo Vintage Leather Bucket Tote is lovely, with pockets for all…

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Beauty Wednesday: Smashbox BB Eye Cream

a group of tubes of foundation

Every week Road Warriorette features a beauty product that makes traveling easier. Do you have a favorite? Send it to RoadWarriorette @ I’m just now starting to discover the BB cream craze that has swept the beauty world. For those of you who are unfamiliar, BB stands for “beauty balm” and in theory this one…

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Preparing for your First International Business Trip: Carry-on

a close up of a logo

Getting ready for your first business trip abroad can be very stressful! I’ve put together a comprehensive list of items that can help you prepare, hopefully cutting down on your anxiety. Click here to read the first installment, which covered passports, travel advisories, and vaccinations.  Click here to read the second installment, which covered food, transportation, and language.  Click here  to…

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Review: Dresses by Dobbin Clothing

a woman in a green dress

I have been an admirer of Dobbin Clothing since I first heard of them earlier this year. Their story is compelling—two fashion industry marketing and design professionals who came together to create their ideal line of women’s clothes. They make all of their garments in New York City, a rarity for clothing manufacturers these days,…

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Travel etiquette tip: Don’t stop in the middle of the jetbridge

You know how it is. Your flight has been delayed, but you’ve finally landed at your destination and you’re anxious to get off the plane. Impatiently, you wait for the seats ahead of you to clear. Once it’s your turn, you grab your suitcase out of the overhead bin and dash for the door. But…

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