Business travel news roundup

a book with folded paper boats

Here are a few of the stories that caught my eye in the last week or so… (Pictured: 14 inch Newspaper Pattern Laptop Carry Case) Take caution.  U.S. airlines suspend Israel flights. via @cnntravel I don’t see this happening. Anti-missile technology on U.S. planes? via @cnntravel Pretty wild (& funny) stories here. The Most Annoying Things Parents…

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Road Warriorette Weekend Express

Got something on your mind this weekend that you have a question on or want to discuss?  Here’s your chance!  Whether you want to share an interesting travel story, a packing tip, an etiquette tip, or anything else going on in the business travel world, comment here and we’ll have a discussion. (Pictured: Airplanes Games Plane Paper app, free.) My…

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Here’s the deal. There have unfortunately been a lot of plane crashes in our history, but MH17 is hitting me hard. Maybe it’s because I recently traveled to Asia and know people going to Malaysia soon. Or maybe I can’t freaking believe somebody shot a passenger plane down. Either way, instead of writing a post…

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