Airline regulations for carry-on luggage (and three more carry-on bags within those guidelines)

a black suitcase with wheels

Yet another round of news stories has come out, reporting that airlines are continuing their enforcement of policies regarding carry-on size. It’s gotten so bad that according to a news station in West Palm Beach the airlines have hired contractors—not in airline uniforms—to monitor passengers’ luggage. They will have people place their rollaboards into the…

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Top 3 tips for women business travelers

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Traveling for your job is a lot of work, but it’s also a bit of an honor. Your company has enough faith and trust in you to spend thousands of dollars sending you somewhere to represent them. That being said, there are some traps that women fall into during business travel. Here are the top…

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Preparing for your first international business trip: Food, Transportation, and Language

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Getting ready for your first business trip abroad can be very stressful! I’ve put together a comprehensive list of items that can help you prepare, hopefully cutting down on your anxiety. Click here to read the first installment, which covered passports, travel advisories, and vaccinations. Eating and drinking.  It’s not always the best idea to…

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Road Warriorette Weekend Express

Hey readers! Got something on your mind this weekend that you want to ask a question on or discuss?  Here’s the perfect opportunity!  Whether you want to share an interesting travel story, a packing tip, an etiquette tip, or anything else going on in the business travel world, comment here and we’ll have a discussion. (Pictured: Airplanes Games Plane…

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Travel bag of the week: Mobile Edge ECO Friendly Laptop Tote

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Each week Road Warriorette features a travel bag that hits all of the high notes for ladies on the road: pockets, construction, and (of course!) style.What doesn’t this gorgeous tote from Mobile Edge have? Plenty of pockets? Check. Beautiful lining? Check. Room for bigger laptops with space leftover for essentials? Check! Mobile Edge is known…

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