What do you do when the local cab company can’t pick you up for 90 minutes?
Here are a few of the stories that caught my eye in the last week or so…. Is business travel worth it? This article answers that question. via @YahooFinance Can You Use 100,000 Points From the Southwest Cards for Travel If You Earn the Companion Pass? via @MilMileSecrets It’s not perfect but still well worth…
For the last few years, I have felt that for domestic travel, Southwest offers the best rewards program. How many points you get depends on the price of your ticket, and for business travelers especially that works out well. Awards require fewer points than other airlines, and are based on how far you’re traveling. And…
Every week Road Warriorette features a beauty tip or product that makes traveling easier. Do you have a favorite? Send it toRoadWarriorette @ gmail.com. June is here, and temperatures across the country are soaring. It’s not always easy to look your best when it’s super hot outside, but one thing makes it almost impossible: humidity. How…
Reader E got stuck in the middle next to a nervous, smelly flier. Turns out the woman on the other side was his traveling companion. Should she have sat next to him, sparing Reader E a terrible flight?
The Home Warrior sent me a link to the B-tourist passenger privacy screen saying, “Maybe you can write about this silly thing?” Silly thing? I thought. What in the world is he talking about? Then I looked at the picture. Yeah, the B-tourist is pretty crazy. It’s an elastic band that fits around your seat…
Conde Nast recently asked their Twitter followers for their biggest pet peeves. Do you agree with what they said?
What was going on this week in years past? 2013 A couple of suggestions for those riding on airport trains. I had an unfortunately forgetful trip. 2012 I reflect on my packing success and failure for a long conference. I interview Cynthia Good of Little PINK Book
My name is Sarah and I will teach you how to make business travel less stressful and more fun. I’ve been traveling for work for over a decade so consider me your new business travel friend and advisor. Learn more about Road Warriorette ...