Beauty Monday: Taking care of nails

a bottle of nail polish

Every week Road Warriorette features a beauty tip or product that makes traveling easier. Do you have a favorite? Send it to RoadWarriorette @ Traveling can be so hard on your nails! Whether it’s maneuvering your suitcase, grabbing things out of your briefcase, or just general wear and tear, regular travel can reduce a beautiful…

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Travel bag of the week: Francine Collection Croco Roller Carrying Case

a brown suitcase with handle

Each week Road Warriorette features a travel bag that hits all of the high notes for ladies on the road: pockets, construction, and (of course!) style. Any time I look at a small rolling bag there are usually two separate types: a rolling briefcase or a short suitcase. I’ve always thought the ideal small rolling bag would combine both…

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Travel etiquette tip: Don’t get between a mom and her baby

a grey stroller with a white background

Yesterday I flew to Utah, which took approximately ten hours of travel time. That’s no small amount for a domestic trip!  I flew on Southwest, and overall my flights were good–in fact, on my final flight I had the exit row all to myself. That never happens! The summer travel season must be starting early. I…

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Beauty Monday: Peep toe flats!

a blue flat shoe with a white background

Every week Road Warriorette features a beauty tip or product that makes traveling easier. Do you have a favorite? Send it to RoadWarriorette @ Excited about the warming weather? Looking to put a little “spring” in your step? I’ve always been a big advocate of flats for travel—they are just so practical. During spring and…

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