Last week, I was in Chicago for work. Since my meetings were out in the suburbs, I had to rent a car, a Ford Focus. For most of that trip, I was glad to have it. It’s a small car, so fitting into tiny little spaces was much easier than it could have been. Everything…
Travel Issues
Avoiding Jet Lag

One of the most common issues for a regular traveler is jet lag. It’s also one of the hardest to deal with if you don’t prepare ahead of time. Changing time zones can wreak havoc on your natural circadian rhythms, affecting your entire trip. I have been very lucky in that whenever I’ve traveled abroad,…
Poll: Pill Case or Original Bottles?

While driving last week to a conference in south Texas, I got a raging headache. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any ibuprofen, which typically cures my headaches. So I asked my friend traveling with me if she had any. Not only did she have some, she had it in this adorable red pill case, neatly organized…
Make sure you sleep on long flights!
When I traveled to Manila a few weeks ago, I was feeling pretty confident I could handle everything related to the trip. I’ve done this! I thought. It will be no problem! You’ve all heard that pride goeth before a fall….. I told you about my stupid time goofs. Well, one of the reasons I…
Time was not my friend on this last trip to Manila
Traveling Together: Trips With Coworkers
Adding your boss or coworkers to a business trip can be fraught with issues. Traveling Together is a series on Road Warriorette about avoiding the pitfalls that crop up when traveling with others. Sometimes traveling with a coworker can make an otherwise monotonous trip fun. Or it can make an otherwise productive trip really, really…
Traveling Together: Sharing Hotel Rooms With Coworkers

Adding your boss or coworkers to a business trip can be fraught with issues. Traveling Together is a series on Road Warriorette about avoiding the pitfalls that crop up when traveling with others. One of the most awkward things in travel can be sharing a hotel room with a co-worker. With companies trying harder than…
A pink plane? That promotes breast cancer awareness? That is cool.

Seriously, how cool is this? Brazilian airline Azul has purchased a pink plane to promote breast cancer awareness. They are also promoting FEMAMA, a Brazilian non-profit group fighting the disease. During the first week of the plane’s operation, the airline will conduct awareness initiatives on breast cancer screening and self examination procedures at the Brazilian…
Happy Freaking Birthday
Yesterday, I turned 30. On Saturday, while I was shopping for plants with my girlfriends, someone smashed the window in my Prius and stole my purse. What was lost? Well, my purse, of course. It was a fabulous bag that I had been sent to review, and I loved it. My wallet, all of my…
Always Forgetting My Headphones

Two weeks ago I traveled to California. Before I left, I made sure I had everything I needed. Pashmina? Check. Laptop? Check. Wallet? Check. Etc. Until I got to the airport, where I realized I forgot one of the most important things I needed to make my long flight bearable: my headphones. It certainly wasn’t…