Fall back in love with business travel

If you’ve been traveling for work for a long time, you might be over it. Business travel can lose its luster after a while, especially when there are lots of weather delays. Years of short tempers, cancelled flights, and long lines and your passion may fade. So in honor of Valentine’s Day, I want to share a few ways in which you can rekindle the spark….with business travel.

  1. Treat yourself. Work travel can be a drag, especially if you miss home. Giving yourself a treat, whether it’s something big like ritaa massage, or something small like a surprisingly tasty margarita, can make it feel luxurious. (Pictured: The top shelf margarita at Blue Mesa at DFW.)
  2. Found time=me time. Standing in long lines sucks, no question. So use that time to do something fun—read a new book, catch up on episodes of How I Met Your Mother, or get inspired with a TED talk. A few months ago the security line in Miami—for premium passengers!—was sooooo long. Instead of getting frustrated, I watched the previous night’s Daily Show. People might have glanced over as I giggled hysterically, but I had a great time.
  3. See your city. If you have a few hours, go do something, anything, that’s not Green hillswork. You have to eat anyway, so go to a local restaurant. Need souvenirs for people at home? Go to a market or bizarre (Pictured: Green Hills in Manila). If you’re the athletic type, go for a run or check out a class at a nearby gym.
  4. Be patient. It may not make travel more fun, but it can make it way more tolerable. No one likes weather delays, but they’re also no one’s fault. Take a deep breath, and know that you’ll make it home eventually. And if nothing else, think of all the points you’re getting….

Readers, how do you make business travel fun? Or if not fun, tolerable?

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!! I appreciate you all very much.


  1. I’m a runner so I enjoy the challenge of running in new places. I also try to stop and smell the roses in that I will stop to visit a local tourist site or visit a store I wouldn’t normally take the time to stop at.

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