While it’s critical to be comfortable on any flight you take, long flights are a special case. Before my first trip to Manila I was anxious for weeks about the 26 hours of travel time–especially the 14 hour flight from DFW to Tokyo. I bought all kinds of random stuff that I hoped would make…
Tips for making airport security easy
For new travelers airport security can be overwhelming. The long lines, the wait times, the changing rules….it can all add up to a confusing mess if you’re not used to it. Here are a few tips for making airport security easy and simple to get through. Be prepared. Wear shoes that can easily be slipped…
5 Gadgets Every Business Traveler Needs
Thank goodness for technology. There are so many gizmos and gadgets that make life easier, with more coming out every day. Same goes for business travel! Over a decade ago when I started traveling for work I carried a cell phone, iPod, camera, books, and a giant computer. These days my travel bag is tons…
Keep your hair to yourself during travel
15% Off Luggage for Amazon Prime Members
2018 American Aadvantage Challenge
In 2017 I took the same amount of flights and flew almost the same amount of butt-in-seat miles as 2016. However because of changes to the Aadvantage program, including the value of EQMs and the new spend requirement, I did not hit Platinum for the first time in almost a decade (excluding the years my…
5 Free Apps Every Business Traveler Needs
How did people travel before smartphones? When I think of how frequently I use my phone, on every single trip, for how many travel-related items, my mind boggles. I love my phone, I love my apps, and I am so appreciative of technology! Here are five free apps every business travelers needs (plus a few…
When is the best time to leave for a business trip?
How do you know what is the best time to leave for a business trip? When you travel is determined in part by factors outside of your control–schedules, availability, etc–but you do have some choices to make. Note: Before you make any decisions, be sure to consult your corporate travel policy. You may be restricted…
2018 Travel Related Resolutions
Ah, the new year. Time for “New Year, New You!” campaigns and starting fresh. I like planning, making goals, and figuring out how I want to improve myself, so why not jump on the bandwagon with a few travel related resolutions? Surprisingly, I did fairly well on last year’s resolutions. I got Gold status with…
Tips for traveling with your boss
Traveling with coworkers can be tricky, and that can be multiplied exponentially if you are traveling with your boss. On trips with your boss you have to be on your best, and most competent, behavior. You want to come across as low maintenance as possible, and this can extend from your suitcase to your dinner…