Beauty Monday: Refresh with face wipes

a yellow package of facial cleansing wipes

Every week Road Warriorette features a beauty product that makes traveling easier. Do you have a favorite? Send it to RoadWarriorette @ During the hot and sticky summer, long travel days can get rough. Add in travel delays and overcrowded airports and things can get uncomfortable fast. I can’t really help with late flights and…

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Preparing for your first international business trip

a passport in a wallet

Getting ready for your first business trip abroad can be very stressful! I’ve put together a comprehensive list of items that can help you prepare, hopefully cutting down on your anxiety. This is the first installment. When I found out that I would be taking my first international business trip I was both excited and…

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Business travel news roundup

a discount coupon for a clothing store

Here are a few of the stories that caught my eye in the last week or so….  Looking for low heels? Check out Corporette’s post today for several cute options. via @corporette Oh dear! United Flight Diverted After Evacuation Slide Opens Mid-Flight via @NBCNews Southwest Airlines finds itself at a crossroads.   via @USATODAY An…

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