Travel Issues

Icelandic Volcano Ash Shuts Down Heathrow

a cloud of smoke from a volcano

From The Washington Post: A plume of volcanic ash from Iceland hovering over Northern Europe severely disrupted air travel for hundreds of thousands of airline passengers Thursday as authorities cancelled flights across the region. The ash cloud, which has drifted from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland, forced officials to shut down airspace in Britain, Ireland,…

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Look! Cute Compression Socks!

a person wearing white socks

I never dreamed this could happen. Lulu Lemon (possibly my favorite place on earth. ties with Sephora) has come out with…..wait for it…..cute compression socks!! I got the email yesterday and have already asked for them for my birthday (thanks big sis!!) which is in a week.  They are super cute and extra cushiony (according…

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American Airlines joins other airlines in raising bag fees. lame.

Granted, I have elite status with them so I don’t have to pay checked bag fees. But still! This means that now you have to pay up to $60 on top of your ticket price? I am disappointed in them.  This means that overhead bins will be running out of space even more quickly than…

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