The Weekly Flyer from Points, Miles, and Martinis wrote about a topic that many business and/or frequent travelers can relate to: loneliness. Even for people who love travel, being gone from home and loved ones so often can take its toll. I’m on the road on average 2-3 times per month for 2-3 days at…
Travel Issues
Quick travel tip: Double check for smoking vs. non-smoking
Increasing productivity while flying

Business travelers spend so much time on planes. If you want to spend more time hanging out with your loved ones and less time working once you get home, you’ll likely need a to get a few things done in flight! However, as you may have noticed planes don’t exactly create an environment conducive to…
Dining alone and business travel
One of the inevitable facts of business travel is that you will likely be dining alone at some point. If you travel by yourself regularly, then dining alone may be the norm. It can be a difficult thing to adjust to, since typically when people go out to eat they go with friends or family.…
Outfits that go from the office to the golf course

One of the things that struck me while at the PGA Merchandising Show is how guys’ golf clothes are basically business casual work clothes with different shoes. Slacks and a polo, or add a sweater vest if you want to be fancy. For ladies, it’s a completely different story: golf clothes look like athletic clothes,…
Parties the night before an early flight are a bad idea
Crazy cab drivers

My friends from New York are filled with stories about crazy cab drivers. My experience has been mostly pretty boring though, some eccentrics but nothing I would call crazy. A few weeks ago that all changed. After finishing up work, I needed to catch a cab from Queens into Manhattan. I hadn’t seen too many…
Flight delays and all day commutes
The battle of the slush

I have traveled to places that were raining. I have traveled to places that were snowing. I have traveled (unfortunately) to places that were icy, and places that were really hot. But this trip I’m on is the first one I’ve ever had where I was walking around… slush. Yesterday while walking to a cab…
How would you handle this? Loud flight attendants on a redeye
I got this email from a reader last week, and it’s been bugging me ever since. I took my first American Airlines flight in a decade two weeks ago because they had a nonstop to the conference I was attending. On my return flight, a red eye, two flight attendants were talking to each other…