Guest Post from Corporette: Top 3 Business Travel Tips

a red plastic container with two circles with ladybugs on itToday’s guest post is from someone who knows business and business travel—Kat Griffin, author of Corporette. She writes about fashion and lifestyle for overachieving ladies, and is one of my most favorite bloggers. Thanks so much for the post, Kat!!

There are so many tips for business women on how to travel, that sorting through them can be kind of a pain. After a few years of covering this for Corporette (along with other fashion and lifestyle tips for overachieving chicks), I’ve learned a few things — so I’ve rounded up my top three travel tips below. (Thanks to Road Warriorette for asking me to guest post — congrats on the baby!)

– Use a contact lens case for liquids. There are some liquids that I use so sparingly that even a 3-oz travel bottle is totally overkill for me. For example, my facial moisturizer and my eyemakeup remover. My solution: squirt a little bit into a contact lens case, and put the case through the dishwasher when I return from my trip. I’ve also done this for sunscreen and foundation. (Pictured: How fun is this ladybug contact lens case? Available for $2.99 from

– Use an envelope for receipts. I like to keep an envelope in my purse to put all of my trip-related receipts, both big and small. As I add receipts (or at the the end of the day), I’ll write on the outside of the envelope what the receipts are that are going inside. For example: “cab to airport, $36+$3; breakfast at airport, $6”.

– Consider a netbook. Netbooks have fallen out of favor in recent years, but I love mine. In particular, I love that it has a full keyboard, is super lightweight (less than three pounds), that the battery lasts for 8 hours — and that it only cost $350, so I feel totally comfortable traveling with it. It’s also pretty indestructible, as I’ve found out when my infant son has thrown it to the ground. I still travel with my iPad, too, but I’m thrilled to avoid the heft of my bigger laptop.

– Kat’s bonus tip: check out my video on how to fold a suit jacket.

Readers, what are your top three travel tips?



  1. 1) Eagle Creek Travel Pack It Sacs ( I love these for anything. I use them for underwear, packing an easy to grab pack that includes snacks, sanitizer, chapstick, tissue etc – things you want in your seat but you don’t want to have to go in to your carry on to get and they’re great to ‘repack’ if you’re going on a day hike as part of a 4-5 day trip.

    2)Travel version everything. It seems silly to buy travel everything, or to make mini versions of everything, but I’d much rather have a toothbrush in my ready to go dopp bag then be grabbing my normal one before leaving for a flight. This may be a novice tip but I don’t think twice about packing toiletries because I know it’s all there.

    3)Pashmina- always bring it. Dont care where you’re going, how long, or the weather. It will always come in handy.

  2. “Use an envelope for receipts.”

    I can suggest taping the envelope to the inside cover of a magazine, makes it hard to loose or have security ( or customs) mess with it.

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