Wardrobe Wednesday: Boots for business travel

a brown boot on a white background

Most weeks Road Warriorette features a clothing item that is great for business travel. Do you have a favorite? Send it to RoadWarriorette @ gmail.com. Cooler weather is finally, finally arriving in Texas, which means every lady you see is wearing boots. I’ve been lucky enough to travel north this season and have had plenty…

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Road Warriorette Weekend Express

Hey readers! Got a question or something you want to discuss this weekend?  Here’s the perfect opportunity!  Whether you want to share an interesting travel story, a packing tip, an etiquette tip, or anything else going on in the business travel world, comment here and we’ll have a discussion. Travel tip of the week: Build a…

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Travel Etiquette: Knocking people down is not polite

There are times when it’s understandable for people to run through the airport. A delayed flight, a short connection, a last-minute gate change. Sometimes we have to hurry! But that doesn’t excuse knocking people down and not acknowledging it. Case in point. I was waiting for the car rental shuttle a couple of weeks ago.…

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