In a perfect world everyone has around one hour to make their flight connections. It’s usually time to get off your airplane, stop at the restroom, grab a snack, and make it to your new gate in time to board, without feeling like you’re wasting time. But occasionally you have a shorter connection, sometimes much…
First business trip
A trolley sleeve makes travel far easier

When I travel I make a habit of watching the boarding process. Sure, it’s easy to lose myself in Facebook and cat videos, but it’s also fascinating to observe the challenges passengers have. During my travel last week I watched a number of people have issues getting down the plane aisle with their luggage. Either…
Privacy during business travel

Anytime you travel you give up some expectations to privacy. Between airport security, crowded gates, and super cramped airplanes, it’s a little hard to feel like you have your own space. And yet creating space for yourself can lead to a much calmer, more rewarding experience–even if it’s just the illusion. Here are a few…
How to handle disasters when you’re on a business trip

Y’all. It’s been a hard week here in Texas. My heart has broken over and over and scenes and stories of the devastation that Hurricane Harvey has caused along the coast. Huge swathes of my beloved state destroyed or under water. Lives lost. Thousands displaced. And it’s not over yet. Here are a few suggestions…
Pack efficiently with the Road Warriorette Business Trip Packing Checklist

You guys know I love talking about what to pack for your business trips. I’ve had my own packing lists and checklists galore for years, and gotten tons of requests from readers to share. Good news-today I am finally releasing my Business Trip Packing Checklist! There is absolutely no reason to not be able to…
4 tricks for a productive business trip

Business travel is challenging on so many levels. One of the biggest is productivity. How do you make sure you get all of your work done, while also flying/driving/waiting in line/checking in/figuring out where to go/etc? Here are the ways I make sure I have a productive business trip. Plan. Like so much about business…
Poll: Would you fly a pilotless plane?

Earlier this week the Home Warrior sent me an article from CNN about the possibility of a pilotless plane in the future. Theoretically the technology to fly planes via remote control should arrive in the next 5-10 years, and planes that can fly themselves aren’t too far behind. And it could save airlines $35 billion…
Arriving early on a business trip
TSA changes electronics screening guidelines

Yesterday the TSA announced that they would expanding enhanced screening for electronics bigger than a phone. They have been piloting this at ten airports, and are now ready to take the new standards nationwide. The takeaway: laptops, eReaders (pictured), tablets, and gaming consoles will need to go into a bin by themselves, with nothing on top…
Going through airport security with two laptops

It sounds super fun, right? Loading your purse or briefcase down with not one, but two laptops during travel. It makes your bag insanely heavy, you have to remember multiple chargers, and, adding to the joy, evidently you may need to take them both out at security. What’s that? you say. Take my laptops out…