Travel Issues

Being a Wife and a Road Warriorette: When Worlds Intersect

I started traveling for work six weeks after I got married. The Home Warrior and I had been living together over a year, and prior to this job I wasn’t working full time for about a month. And I think the longest we’d ever been apart during our whole relationship was three nights. So we…

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Dropped my purse in the security line last week….

Sigh. Last Monday started out like any other travel day. Got up, wrote a blog post, checked my email, packed, and left for the airport. As I was going through security, I noticed they didn’t have enough lanes open, which of course was creating a long line. As I got closer they opened another one.…

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New TSA drama: the extra touchy feely pat down

By now, there is probably no way you haven’t heard the furor surrounding TSA right now. It is all over the national and local news, the blogs and message boards, and anywhere else travel is discussed. There are a ton of hilarious Youtube videos out there (my favorite: If you touch my junk I’ll have…

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What do you use to track your expenses?

Ugh, expense reports. Seriously, one of the worst things about my job, and about traveling for work. The receipts pile up, I have to keep track of them, scan them into the computer, and then enter them into a painfully slow program. I have heard of people writing down their expenses in a book, submitting…

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