Travel Issues

How to travel for work as a new parent (without losing your mind)

Business travel can be hard on anyone, but it is especially stressful and difficult for new parents. You’ve spent several weeks or even months taking care of every need of your new infant. Now someone expects you to just leave your baby alone? Will your spouse be able to handle it? How will it affect…

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Travel During the Holidays

One of the unfortunate parts of business travel is that you don’t always get to choose when your trips happen. Travel on weekends and holidays are almost inevitable at some point. During the Thanksgiving to New Years holiday block it seems to happen more than ever! Missing parties, concerts, and sometimes actual holidays is super…

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Business Travel 101: Dealing With Loneliness (Revisited)

Business Travel 101 is a series from a couple of years ago about making that first business trip as easy and successful as possible. I’ve re-tooled the series, and now it’s more comprehensive than ever! It covers everything a new business traveler needs to know for that initial trip, including essential tips for packing, security,…

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