I spend a lot of time talking about etiquette. The goal, of course, is that people will think more about their actions, and hopefully react more politely next time a situation comes up. However, I was reminded on my last trip to Nashville that rude people are not the only ones who travel these days.…
Travel Observations
Rude in Cancun
I have seen some very kind things on airplanes. People giving up their seats so couples can sit together, passengers helping others put their bags in the overhead bin, smiles, and all around good cheer. I have also seen less nice things, and unfortunately coming home from Cancun there were a lot of non-nice actions…
Favorite times to fly
Recently, I read a Facebook comment that said this person’s favorite time to fly is early morning, because they will get to their destination early, and flights are less crowded. I agree that early morning can be a good time to travel, but I am confused about the less crowded flights this person has experienced.…
Ah, Hollywood
Observations about JAL….
First, an update from my Manila trip last week. The visit went very well! There was no flood damage anywhere I went, and the hotel and office operated completely as normal. Thank you so much to everyone who gave me advice! I also managed to make it out to Green Hills (the famous shopping area…
My Top Five Travel Sites
I’ve been inspired by top five lists recently. Starting with the Top Five Secrets of Business Travel, and moving on to my top five favorite sites in different categories. Today, it’s travel sites. Once I got started, it was hard to hold it to just five! I may have to do a top ten list…
Top Five Secrets About Business Travel
Secret #1: It’s not glamorous. At all. No matter how much George Clooney makes it seem like it is. First class seats. Expense accounts. Exotic locations. George Clooney. Uh, no. Try cramped coach seats, paying for a pillow and blanket, eating room service at 1am because your flight was delayed, visiting Cornelia, Georgia AGAIN (where…
New Year’s Resolutions: The Travel Edition
Rollerboard or Rollaboard?
It was recently brought to my attention that I have been using “rollerboard” with regards to my carry-on suitcase, instead of “rollaboard”. Feeling pretty sure I had seen it both ways, I had to stop and think. Why do I use “rollerboard”? Am I using the incorrect word? I realized that when I write it…
An Interesting Story from a Fellow Business Traveler
During my trip from Hell to Ohio last month, I met a nice guy. He was a fellow business traveler, on his way home from Germany. He told me a story that was interesting, but scary, and I thought I would share. After a grueling 9 day work trip in Berlin, he finally got on…