Travel Technology

Would you pay more for better hotel wifi?

a close-up of a cable

I was perusing some older USA Today Hotel Check In posts, and the one about hotel wifi caught my eye.  Apparently, wifi usage at hotels has jumped dramatically—50% during a 9-month period in 2011 alone! Guests are connecting multiple devices, and streaming videos and live content in addition to the less bandwidth heavy email checking.…

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Business Traveler Interview: Aliza Sherman and Danielle Smith

a group of women sitting on a couch

You guys have heard a lot from my experience at Blog World, but I haven’t shared everything. One of the best workshops I attended was about empowering women to be public speakers, run by Aliza Sherman, Jill Foster, and Danielle Smith. Aliza and Danielle recently wrote MOM, Incorporated, about how to have a family and…

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What do you use to track your expenses?

Ugh, expense reports. Seriously, one of the worst things about my job, and about traveling for work. The receipts pile up, I have to keep track of them, scan them into the computer, and then enter them into a painfully slow program. I have heard of people writing down their expenses in a book, submitting…

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