Okay, maybe I don’t actually hate Ohio. In fact I have family there, and I spent some great times as a child playing with cousins in North Canton. But it seems like every time I go there as an adult I have the worst trips. My first trip to Ohio for work almost three years…
Amazing Yoga Weekend in Chicago
On Vacation This Week!!
The Mountain Is Conquered!!
I got through it! I made it! The five weeks of brutal, every-business-day-plus-some-weekend-days travel is over! I now get to stay at home for at least three weeks, with just a couple of day trips thrown in. I got through it, but I’ll tell you, it was dicey there at the end. Friday night I…
My Thoughts on Pittsburgh

My experience in Pittsburgh was heavily dominated by Snowmaggedon 2010. I managed to get on the last flight from Boston to Pittsburgh before everything was cancelled, which was good, but I had to cancel my car and rely on the Marriott shuttles to get me places. I was a little apprehensive about this, but the…
The Tour of NPR Fundraisers
Car Trip vs. Plane Trip
My Thoughts on Boston
Off to South Texas for my Sister’s Wedding!!
We have made it to the Rio Grande Valley! Yesterday my sister and parents set off for the Valley in a caravan of sorts. Five stops later (not kidding, we stopped at the Outlet Mall, Whataburger, the gas station, and to use the restroom twice) we made it to my Memaw’s house. Wedding preparations are…